Creating Dynamic Apps with Qt-Generator and Python

Creating Dynamic Apps with Qt-Generator and Python


Welcome to the world of dynamic GUI development with Qt-Generator and Python! In this blog, we'll explore the powerful features of Qt-Generator and how you can create visually stunning applications with ease.

1. Introducing Qt-Generator:

Qt-Generator simplifies the process of GUI development by generating Python code based on UI description files. With its help, you can focus more on functionality while achieving a polished user interface.

2. Getting Started with Qt Designer:

Qt Designer is a visual editor that allows you to design user interfaces using a drag-and-drop interface. Get familiar with Qt Designer to unleash your creativity and bring your UI ideas to life.

Install Python 3.7 or later from and then install these modules using CMD.

    Open CMD with clicking Windows icon and search for "CMD" 

    Open as Administrator 

    and type these commands and hit enter one by one 

  • pip install wheel, setuptools

  • pip install pyqt5, pyqt5-tools

    Now, go to python installation directory and search for "designer.exe" under bin folder

    The default location might be- C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-        packages\qt5_applications\Qt\bin 

    now open it and you will see a window like this:-


    Choose "Main Window" and then click "Create" Button.

    You will have now this screen:-


    In the left side panels in this window have Qt-Widgets, I mean the widgets with which you're going        to make your application.

    Some of them are: 

  • QPushButton
  • QTextEdit
  • QLabel
    Click and drag some widgets onto "MainWindow" named window as per your app requirement.
    You can change any widget attribute like button text, colour, CSS, font size,icon etc. from right side        window called "property editor".

    You can right click any widget to change its object name which will be variable name when you will     convert this code into python or use its UI directly into your python code.
    You can add stylesheets to anything by clicking right mouse button onto any widget and then 


    click on "Change Stylesheet".

    Add more features like "tooltip", " what's this" etc. with practicing every options.

Before Applying Layout

    The best practice of making a responsive app to use layouts in your app. To do that, you can either         choose among various layouts under QWidgets in left side panel and drag that on window or right         click any widget and then click "Layout" then choose any desired layout.

    Qt provides several types of layouts that allow you to arrange widgets in your user interface             
    dynamically. Each layout serves a specific purpose and provides different ways to manage the         
    positioning and sizing of widgets within a container. Here are some common types of layouts in Qt:
1. QVBoxLayout (Vertical Layout):
QVBoxLayout arranges widgets in a vertical column, from top to bottom. It is often used to create simple, single-column layouts where widgets are stacked vertically.

2. QHBoxLayout (Horizontal Layout):
QHBoxLayout arranges widgets in a horizontal row, from left to right. It is commonly used to create single-row layouts or to group widgets side by side.

3. QGridLayout (Grid Layout):
QGridLayout arranges widgets in a grid-like structure with rows and columns. Widgets are placed in specific grid positions, allowing for more complex and flexible layouts.

4. QFormLayout (Form Layout):
QFormLayout is used to create form-like layouts, commonly used for creating input forms where labels are aligned with their corresponding input widgets.

5. QStackedLayout (Stacked Layout):
QStackedLayout allows you to stack multiple widgets on top of each other, showing only one widget at a time. It is useful for implementing tab-like interfaces or multi-page applications.

6. QStackedWidget:
QStackedWidget is a container widget that works with QStackedLayout to hold multiple widgets, showing only one at a time. It is similar to QStackedLayout but provides more features as a container.

7. QSplitter (Splitter Layout):
QSplitter is used to create resizable containers that can be dynamically split or resized by the user. It allows dividing the available space between its child widgets.

8. QBoxLayout (Base Class for QVBoxLayout and QHBoxLayout):
QBoxLayout is the base class for QVBoxLayout and QHBoxLayout, and it provides more advanced functionality for creating custom vertical and horizontal layouts.

9. QGridLayoutItem:
QGridLayoutItem is not a layout itself, but it represents a cell within a QGridLayout. It allows you to interact with specific cells and widgets in a QGridLayout.

These are some of the primary layout types available in Qt. Choosing the right layout for your application depends on the complexity and design requirements of your user interface. By combining and nesting these layouts, you can create sophisticated and responsive GUI applications in Qt.

 After Vertical Layout


3. Generating Python Code with Qt-Generator:

By using Qt-Generator, you can easily generate Python code that represents your user interface. This code can then be seamlessly integrated into your Python project, saving you time and effort.

Here are the steps to generate Python code with Qt-Generator:

1.    After designing your UI, save it as a .ui file. 

        Go to the "File" menu and choose "Save As..." or "Save" to save the UI description file to your               desired location.

2.    Open your terminal or command prompt.

3.    Use the pyuic5 command (provided by PyQt5) to generate Python code from the .ui file:

    Replace path/to/your_ui_file.ui with the path to your .ui file, and path/to/ with     the desired path for the generated Python code file.

    For example:

4.    Integrate the Generated Python Code into Your Application

  • In your Python application, import the generated Python file (e.g., that contains the UI code. 
  • This file will contain a class that represents your UI.
  • Create an instance of the UI class in your application, and show it:

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow
from my_ui_file import Ui_MainWindow
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = QMainWindow()
ui = Ui_MainWindow()

4. Responding to User Interactions:

Create dynamic apps that respond to user actions with Qt-Generator. Connect signals and slots to handle button clicks, menu selections, and other user interactions effectively.

5. Manipulating Widgets and Data Dynamically:

Learn how to manipulate widgets and data dynamically within your application. With Qt-Generator, you can dynamically add or remove widgets, update data models, and refresh the UI in response to changes.

6. Creating Dynamic Forms and Input Validation:

Design dynamic forms with input validation using Qt-Generator. Validate user input, provide feedback on errors, and dynamically adjust the UI based on the form's state for a seamless user experience.


Congratulations on mastering the art of creating dynamic apps with Qt-Generator and Python! By incorporating visually appealing interfaces, you can create applications that not only function brilliantly but also look professional and modern. With Qt-Generator's code generation and Python's power, you're empowered to build remarkable apps that leave a lasting impact.

Now, go forth and create dynamic apps that captivate your users!

Keep experimenting, exploring the documentation, and honing your skills to unlock the full potential of Qt-Generator and Python for GUI development.

Keep Coding!  Keep Learning!


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