
Showing posts from 2020

Ai Enabled Doctor Appointment Recognition System

The Project "Ai Enabled Doctor Appointment Recognition System " is made in Python programming language using Tkinter (for GUI) and OpenCV & face_recognition modules. Modules used in it are: face_recognition [pip install face-recognition] cv2 [pip install opencv-python] pickle dlib cmake [pip install cmake] pyttsx3 [pip install pyttsx3] time [built_in module] tkinter [built_in module] os [built_in module] sys [built_in module] threading [built_in module] Software Requirements: Python 3.x vb basic tools [HOW TO USE] Get Your Copy of project from clicking below button Extract All data from SFX/zip file. Install above mentioned Python 3.x & vb C++ basic tools Install modules mentioned in " requirements.txt " Under folder "dataset" Save images of doctors to be trained, with their name a

Login Window Design with new User Registration System [Tkinter]

Watch Project Working:- ScreenShots Login Window Simple and easy login Style. Registration Page With having all type of validations. Registration Success A Stylish Registration features. Centralised Window Opens in Center of Your Window Previous Next

file drag -drop upload system in flask websites || Python ||

In this article we're going to learn- How can we apply flask_dropzone in our website to avail file drag and drop feature for uploading on website / it's database. so , let's begin the course... ----------------- Prerequisites:  1. Flask - [pip install flask]   2. flask_dropzone [ pip install Flask-Dropzone  ] 3. Your basic knowledge about flask apps  ----------------  Watch Tutorial for full course of this article :-   My Full Code for This project is on :- my GitHub Repo  ⇠ Download from here

Tooltip in Tkinter || How to make Balloon in tkinter || Python

Source code 👉🏻 ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ import tkinter as tk class CreateToolTip ( object ): """ create a tooltip for a given widget """ def __init__ ( self , widget, text = 'widget info' ): self . waittime = 500 #miliseconds self . wraplength = 180 #pixels self . widget = widget self . text = text self . widget . bind( "<Enter>" , self . enter) self . widget . bind( "<Leave>" , self . leave) self . widget . bind( "<ButtonPress>" , self . leave) self . id = None self . tw = None def enter ( self , event = None ): self . schedule() def leave ( self , event = None ): self . unschedule() self . hidetip() def schedule ( self ): self . unschedule() self . id = self . widget . after( self . waittime, self . showtip) def unsc

live Quiz Contest || Python basics || Win cash prizes || no registration...


Make Barcode Scanner using Python

In this article, we're going to learn, how can we make barcode scanner using python. in this we're going to use : openCV : pip install opencv-python pyzbar : pip install pyzbar IP Webcam : install on android through play store So, let's get Started ! firstly , we'll import cv2 and pyzbar in our code editor. import cv2 from pyzbar import pyzbar Now , open ur mobile, and after installing IP Webcam in that,   1. open hotspot   2. Open IP Webcam   3. Click Start Server           Recommended: [  How to connect mobile camera with PC using Python ] and then come in your code editor in computer.      3.  url = "" and then , Start video capturing by mobile camera url      4.  cap = cv2.VideoCapture(url) and under while loop, get started working main part. read the frame, extract barcode / qrcode from frame and extract its data and type  and show data on cv2 window. at b

How to make xender app using socket and kivy in python

it is the project for file sending app which is made in python using socket [backend] and kivy [frontend] This project is made for making file sender app using python programming. It has two two folders **server** and **client** and both folders have same files. if you'll convert this app as android project (*apk file*) , then you won't need both folders. just remove one of them and move another's files in master branch and make your app. requrements 1. Python 3.x 2. socket module (no need to install ) 3. kivy ( pip install kivy ) 4. basic knowledge of python **How to run this project** To test it's working, download/clone this repo and open- server folder and run after that, open client folder and run in both gui screens, two buttons are available send  and receive click recieve on one and send on another (make sure you first click on receive ) It will ask in console for : Enter hash type: type anything here Enter file(s)

Automatic computer shutdown system with sleeping user detection

GitHub Repository :  Download Source Code

Drowsiness detection system using openCV in python

The Project "Drowsiness Detection System " is made in Python programming language using OpenCV . Modules used in it are: face_recognition [pip install face-recognition] cv2 [pip install opencv-python] playsound [pip install playsound] numpy [pip install numpy] scipy [pip install scipy] time [built_in module] threading [built_in module] Software Requirements: Python 3.x Source code→ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

Make Screen Recorder App using Python || AI Tutorials || CID

How to make Screen recorder using python : This tutorial will teach you to make screen recorder using python Dependecies👉 python 3.x opencv-python  (cv2) latest version numpy  pyautogui and your basic knowledge in AI with openCV & numpy Full Source Code👉

What are Packages || Python full course || Chapter 24 || CID


How to make website using flask in python || LIVE

How to make Website using Flask in Python In this tutorial, we'll use : Python, flask, bootstrap & html and will learn to make website using flask framework in python. You need only basic knowledge of python , flask ,html and bootstrap to understand this tutorial. Install Python from  Python official website Install flask with using command:     pip install flask     in cmd [ windows ] from flask import Flask,render_template,url_for app = Flask(__name__) @app.route ( '/' ) @app.route ( '/home' ) def home (): return render_template( 'home.html' ) @app.route ( '/about' ) def about (): return render_template( 'about.html' ) if __name__ == "__main__" : True ) layout.html <!doctype html> <html lang= "en" > <head> <!-- Required meta tags --> <meta charset= "utf-8" > <meta name=