Image to Sketch Converter App Using Python || OpenCV + PyQt5
Hi Guys!
Today in this blog, we're going to talk about Image to Sketch Convertion using Python Programming Language.
So let's go into dip of it.
Python 3.x (
PyQt5 (pip install pyqt5)
OpenCV (pip install opencv-python)
Numpy (pip install numpy)
And off course a little bit of your knowledge in python programming language 😄
Project Files Hiararchy
Project Requirements
│ window.ui
There are another two python files called
Python file - is the main file or app module which you have to run.
Open any Python IDE like visual studio, Pycharm, Spider, Annaconda or my favourite Google Colab.
you can also use Python IDLE for lightweight use.
After opening your desired IDE, open into it and run. Code will look like this:
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After opening, A window will open like this:
There are another two python files called
Above codes under module are responsible for Image drag and drop feature in the project.
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If You want to learn about Image drag and drop feature in python Read this blog
the next python file code is down below:
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In this File, there are two methods
- webcam
- Responsible for opening webcam to capture the Pic.
- sketcher
- Responsible to sketch image dragged into GUI or picture clicked by the user.
Last file called window.ui is the ui file for our GUI window made with QT Designer.
To open /edit winodw.ui and modify the gui screen, like CSS, html or Widgets into GUI, you will need Qt Designer to be installed in your computer.
The codes under it are:
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To learn how to install Qt Designer and use,
There is one folder called "Sketches" under which your sketched images will be saved with suffix of current date and time.
This below Video guide will help you step by step in running the project successfully.
Make hiararchy of project just like shown on top of the blog and use.
If you have any doubts, you can ask me on:
To learn or get more advanced python projects,
Keep Coding, Keep Learning!
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